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My Cousin Tested Positive for Covid — She Thought She Had a Cold
Maybe it was Omicron. Here’s what she did to get over it.
When you cough, it gets everybody’s attention. Heads whip around, and eyes stare as if you’re a brazen thief. Even if you’re wearing a mask, no one wants you to cough near them. No one wants Covid in any of its variants, including Omicron.
My cousin, Belinda, coughed for a couple of days. She thought little about it because she sometimes catches colds when her city experiences all four seasons in a single day. Northerly winds in the morning, heat waves in the afternoon, and rain at night can set off allergies and stir up colds.
Before visiting family and friends during the Christmas holidays, Belinda got tested for Covid — just to be sure. The positive results stunned her.
Other than a nagging cough, she felt fine. So, she thought it was a false positive test. The nurse sternly repeated the results and advised Belinda to take zinc, vitamin C and stay hydrated. The nurse also suggested taking Tylenol for fever and pain. She told my cousin to quarantine for 10 days after receiving the positive test results.
That meant Belinda would have to spend Christmas and her birthday alone.